Hemp-Derived Products

Grow With Us

At Life Grows Green, we pride ourselves on sourcing the best quality ingredients directly from the earth. Our premium products are crafted to enhance your modern, healthy lifestyle. We believe that before you can give back to the world you need to take care of yourself, and we are here to help you grow – through whatever life throws your way.

Our Story

Life Grows Green is a lifestyle brand founded by Chad Price. Our goal is to create a greener, more socially conscious planet utilizing the latest, most innovative, and regenerative methods to discover and create products derived directly from nature.

Though a start-up, LGG has ambitious plans to grow beyond the borders of America by not only concentrating on what it can produce on its own but equally create partnerships that make products and services made by others more readily available.

Striving for better


Support legalization of cannabis for medical purposes


Think use of cannabis is socially acceptable


Support legalizing recreational cannabis use

75 Broadway, St 202, San Francisco, CA 94111 | 628-200-1253 |